Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Medical Team June 17-23

submitted by

Promise for Haiti Survey

1. The group consisted of 13 individuals with a variety of medical backgrounds: general surgeon, family physician, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, student nurses, army medics, and couple of non-medical support people. The purpose of our trip was to be the hands and feet of Jesus and extend His love through medical care to the Hatian people in the Pignon area who are unable to afford medical care. We conducted four general medical clinics in three different Pignon areas. Day one we went to Santioch and saw 196 people. Day two we went to Camp De La Grace and saw 135 people, we returned there on day four and saw 83 more people. Day three we went to the Rocky Mountain School near the Pignon airport and saw 187. We did triage the patients we saw as there were many more who wanted and needed to be seen.

2. We flew from Indianapolis, Indiana to Port-au-Prince arriving at 3:15pm. We were met at the airport by staff from the Matthew 25 House, where we spent the night. The next morning they transported us to the airport where the group flew in two MAF planes to Pignon. We were met at the airport by designated hospital staff who transported us and our medical supplies to the hospital compound.

3. We were housed in the Hospital dorm. The living arrangements were better than we had anticipated. The rooms and building were clean and safe. Our only problem was that we frequently did not have enough bottled water and had to ask several times for more water, in fact we actually went out and bought more water for the team.

4. Is there information you would like passed on to the next team that is scheduled.

Please seek hospital assistance in arranging interpreters. We hired interpreters through local connections. I would recommend that all supplies be kept where ever the group is staying and not in the hospital.

5. We had an incredible trip and appreciate all of the help that we received from the hospital and the Promise For Haiti team. We look forward to returning to the Pignon area in the future.

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