Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hope Touching Haiti Touching Hope June 16-23, 2011

The goal of this time in Haiti for team members from Hope
Church in Spencer Iowa and several team members
from nearby communities centered around sharing the
LOVE of Jesus Christ and making connections with
old and new Haitian friends.
The team consisted of 15 members, 11 were new to Haiti.
This was a family oriented group with a combination
of Grandson, Father, Grandmother, a mother /son pair,
an uncle/niece pair, and a grandmother/grandson pair.
The team was also unique starting with 2 high
schoolstudents and going through the ranks all the way
to 2 great grandmas.

We traveled from NW Iowa to fly out of Omaha, NE
to end up in Ft Pierce,FL overnight then flew
MFI the following day into Pignon. Many connections
had to be made but all went as scheduled
so we were happy travelers. Even the flooding
of the Missouri River around Omaha was
managed well.Upon arrival to Pignon, because of an
electrical problem, our reservation in the
Minnesota Dorm was switched to the newly
remodeled Hospital Dorm. Given the street paving
project that is ongoing, we were pleased to be able
to utilize the Hospital Dorm. With 2-3 people
in a room, there was one roomempty that was dubbed
“the warehouse” that helped organize the many
supplies that were brought along to help us
connect with the people of Pignon. There were a few
occasions when the water supply was limited
or non-existent but not for long. he main water
supply that was necessary was the bottled drinking water
that was replenished each day.

Our work project was the scraping,
scrubbing and painting of patientrooms and the nursery
on the main floor of the hospital. We had
brought along some rollers, brushes, etc.
The paint supply and other needed items were available
so we were able to complete the project. We even added the job
of painting the 2nd floor conference room.
It looks NICE! Vacation Bible School was
our other main focus. We were able to arrange3 places
that would provide the location and children for us to do 3 separate
sessions of VBS for a total of about 150 kids. Sharing the
Word of God to these Haitian children was a gift from God. God’s Word
was shared by using a flannel board to tell bible stories, followed
by a bible memory verse. The use of “The Mission Ball”
soccer ball withthe message of salvations printed on the ball IN
CREOLE was a wonderfulway to connect with the kids.
Another tool that was used was the ‘Evangecube” which is
basically the Gospel message in pictures. One of our team
members brought 2 guitars along to leave behind. We
utilized one to help lead songs in Creole,
“Praise Him, Praise Him”and “God is So Good”.
We did crafts: cross necklaces and kites.
Our recreation was flying the kites that had
been made. They actually did fly and what a sight it was!
And no VBS is complete without snacks:
Haitian cookies from the market and ‘
Sweety’ drink mix.

Another event was a soccer game that Wilkin
helped arrange.Our main focus was to share the message of
Salvation through Jesus Christ with the Mission Ball
soccer balls we had along.
Eventhough it was a hot afternoon
here were 6 of our team members that
participated in the game divided between the
teams. A key moment was when the
goats decided, in the middle of the game,
that it was time to cross over to the opposite
side of the field.

Several team members took “Creole
Language 101” during our stay in Pignon,
taught by a local brother/sister duo.
We hope to continue the learning the next time.

The week went by quickly and without incident.
Edmond and Obed were our hospital representatives.
Ezeckias was our MH4H representative
and Wilkin was our man with
connections to pastors for setting
up VBS times. We give them
all favorable marks! Thanks for the
opportunity to connect with the
Haitian people through sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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