Monday, March 26, 2012

March 1-8

Friday 12:30 p.m.
We made it...well at least some of us did.
The rest will be coming along later in the day.
Gene counted up that in the 10 days some of us
made twenty take-offs and landings.
"We are blessed to be a blessing."
What a tremendous mission. It's hard to put
into words how we were all blessed. Many of you
know that missions are about helping others but
in the process you end up on the blessed side.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support
while we were away. And thank you for your prayers
and support for the people of Haiti. Our small part in b
uilding forty three desks (only 500 plus to go) was a labor of
love, and to see the smiles on the faces of the children was t
hanks enough. Those of you that have been there ( and I found
out over three hundred from our church and others from the area
have volunteered for a Haiti mission), I would tell you the people
of Haiti are still a strong and resilent group, a loving, caring group
of people, that as you know struggle in their day-to-day existence.
Nothing is easy for them. They walk miles to till a garden, go to a
well for water, or to school. Many only eat once or twice a day, but
still you can feel God's spirit strong in their presence. They whistle
and sing while they work and they appear happier than many we see on
the streets of town here in the U.S.

Please check out the pictures included in this e-mail. They will give
you a sense of the work that was done and a flavor for the Hatian people.

As I (George) get the privilege to wrap up our trip I
would like to thank Pastor Jim, Arlan, Gene, Gary, Paul
, Anna, LuAnn, Chris, Chip, and of course Virg and Dorothy
for all the hard work and fellowship during our week with t
he Hatian people. Virg said he was worried whether the work
would get done, but I told him I knew it would get done after that f
irst day when I saw the face of Jesus in each one of you. Proverbs
says, "as iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another." W
hat a great sharpening from a bunch of iron people.

A la'm koontan Jezu renmen mwen ( I am happy Jesus loves me...and you)
The Haiti Desk Team

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